Embracing the new CI with eLearning
Customer stories | KIOXIA

After splitting from Toshiba Electronics, KIOXIA Europe needed a new eLearning solution to fulfill various different training needs. But they wanted it to be more than just a simple LMS: a platform to welcome employees to their company, letting them feel at home in the learning environment, and embrace the new corporate identity. We talked to Andrea Junker, Senior Manager, Head of Business Solutions & IT Applications from KIOXIA Europe to get to know more about their ambitious eLearning project and why they believe to have found their home with Fellow Digitals.
Location: Europe (+US/Japan)
Employees: 12,000
Industry: Electronics
KIOXIA, formerly Toshiba Memory, developed as a split off from memory products, and SSD storage from Toshiba Electronics. The KIOXIA cooperation is a world leader in flash memory and SSDs, with the European subsidiary KIOXIA Europe being a dedicated sales company. The whole production team is situated in Japan and the Philippines. Having a new corporate identity meant, among others, the need for an eLearning tool which is branded accordingly. The employees were already familiar with the Toshiba eLearning center, so eLearning itself was not a challenge. But with a new eLearning tool branded for the split off, KIOXIA Europe wanted to give their employees a way to embrace the new corporate identity. With the right branding, the eLearning platform should be a “new home” for employees as well as all their training needs.
Adding value to everyday work with eLearning
KIOXIA Europe’s choice fell to Fellow Digitals. Why? Because their Fellow LMS (formerly known as Coursepath) allows for incorporation of the corporate identity in an easy and adequate way. The learning environment works as a thorough internal representation of the identity, giving the team a feeling of being “home” while working through eLearning courses.
First and foremost – hence the choice for an LMS – is of course the transfer of knowledge. The goal is to keep all KIOXIA Europe employees up to date on important issues. Such as creating awareness when it comes to rules of conduct, letting employees know what products exactly the company is launching and selling, and to work safely and in compliance with the law. This way, eLearning adds value to the daily business.
Considering the learners’ needs
But what purpose would eLearning fulfill if it didn’t approach the needs and wishes among the people it is made for: the learners? For KIOXIA Europe it’s especially important that their employees can take their time while in a training and focus on the materials in detail. The courses should fit into every work schedule, and of course this is different for every single employee. Opting for eLearning, allows for KIOXIA’s employees to take the learning in their own pace, access the courses flexibly and, thus, have their own training plan.
Choosing a platform that is intuitive to use, adds to the employees feeling comfortable with their new eLearning home. It is an environment that they enjoy visiting, learning and spending time with the courses comes in naturally, and motivation and concentration are a given.
eLearning from a trainer viewpoint
Obviously, there’s two sides to every eLearning: the ones taking it and the ones providing it. Fellow LMS also helps the people responsible for trainings at KIOXIA Europe, e.g. by saving them time. They put it like this: Materials need to be created once but can then initially be rolled out to every (new) employee.
The Fellow LMS has the advantage that you can easily create trainings yourself. You can just try it out, if in doubt you delete the course again. But you can quickly learn how it works.
But there’s more ways, KIOXIA Europe goes when creating courses. A good example is their new way of transmitting the company’s standard of conduct. Provided as PowerPoint presentations by the parent company in Japan, these could easily be converted into eLearning courses within the Fellow LMS. Formerly provided as face to face trainings, KIOXIA uses the advantages eLearning brings with it: On a regular basis, the whole team will be automatically invited to repeat the obligatory training.
User groups facilitate management – even internationally
To organize their training in a convenient way, KIOXIA Europe chose to create user groups within the LMS. This way, it is easy for them to invite specific groups into their designated training. This might be a group covering a specific type of training, groups separated by their location (Europe or UK), or a group for specific teams (e.g. consultants or contractors; regular members of staff or freelancers). For future, they are also thinking about a specific group for management staff. By using groups for member organization, the 120 members of all branches in the EU and additional 100 members of the UK research and development department remain easy and clear to manage.
Reporting – Securely and according to data privacy requirements
With obligatory eLearning courses that have to be conducted on a regular basis, reporting of training results was an important requirement for KIOXIA Europe. With the LMS's extensive reporting system, Fellow Digitals met these needs. The trainers can track whether the eLearning course was successfully done, ensuring that the knowledge is not only provided but also transferred to every single employee. From an audit point of view, KIOXIA Europe can easily comply with the obligation to provide proof, since the completion of the courses, including test results, is documented within the LMS.
Reports can be customized, fields can be shown or taken out depending on the receiver. For example, the human resources department will receive a report with names and whether or not the training has been passed, however, they will not be able to see specific results or even answers to questions. These customized reports are then sent either automatically by the system or manually on demand.
For data privacy and security in general, Fellow Digitals was the right choice for KIOXIA Europe. Without even having asked the questions, they were provided with the answers, which also directly convinced the legal department. Adding to that the server location in the EU and an ISO 27001 certified provider, there was nothing left to worry about.

From onboarding to training
Andrea Junker, Senior Manager, Head of Business Solutions & IT Applications, not only implemented the first course with Fellow LMS, she actually set up the whole platform on her own, saying that this was fun. The platform is easy to manage and user-friendly for trainers and learners, making it a welcoming environment for any kind of training.
It allows for a variety of different training material. Let’s take the onboarding course as an example here: KIOXIA Europe embedded a welcome video and gives initial information for every new employee. This way, they ensure that new colleagues get all relevant information in the beginning, have the possibility to ask their questions, and feel part of the team from the first day on.
Other groups and departments that have training material, which is relevant for their target group only, can now also offer eLearning courses. “At the moment, I am the one uploading the trainings, but am in the course of training others to become authors and trainers, too,” says Andrea Junker. The departments gather the relevant information and prepare customized contents to be implemented in the Fellow LMS. KIOXIA Europe’s goal would be for every trainer to create their courses in the Fellow LMS themselves.
Andrea Junker reports that they do not stop at eLearning: “Recently we conducted a survey for the personnel department, and we also used the LMS for this purpose.” The results could be downloaded as Excel file with all relevant data for further processing. Just because initially it is a Learning Management System, that does not mean that creativity needs to stop there.
Fellow Digitals is growing with the needs
The KIOXIA academy based on Fellow LMS is future proof and is growing with the increased use of eLearning within the company. They started off with data security and code of conduct trainings, and added a greater variety of trainings afterwards. For future, KIOXIA Europe is also thinking about including ready-made content like IT trainings, but nothing is decided yet.
What they know though: no matter what content is needed next, their chosen LMS is the right environment for it. An eLearning home for all employees; trainers and learners alike.
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