Team working at office looking at pc

Fellow Intranet

Connect, inform, and engage. Empower remote work, create a safe workplace, and support talent in their well-being, productivity, and career growth.

News module

Reach every employee in your organization

Share news, make announcements, encourage event participation, and keep everyone informed

Publish impactful news in seconds

With our modern CMS, you create and publish internal news in a single central place.

Make news easy to consume

Create a structured news portal that is accessible on multiple devices, where "need-to-know" and "nice-to-know" information is clearly distinguished.

Manage your editorial content flexibly

Give participants write access and/or publishing rights, allow editors to proofread articles, add images from the royalty-free library, and schedule posts with a publication date.

Flex editorial management

Track employee engagement

Quickly see visitor counts, user activity, popular trends, and top news. 

  • Auto-translate

    Content is automatically translated in preferred language

  • Content clean-up

    Automatically archive articles with publication dates

  • Social

    Stimulate engagement with likes and comments

  • Mobile app

    The news module is accessible via all mobile devices

  • Content categorization

    Create distinction between nice- and need-to-know information

  • Video

    Make content more attractable with directly playable videos

  • Push-notifications

    Make sure everyone receives important updates instantly

  • Photo library

    We offer a full library of photo’s you can use for your news articles

  • Opinion analyses

    Track if your news has a positive impact

  • Digital signage

    Publish your news on different screens with narrowcasting.

Information portal

Empower employees to find the information they need

One central place for manuals, guides, instructions, and important documents for daily use.

Design attractive information pages

To boost overview and discovery, the information hub enables you to create clear layouts with category pages and subcategories.

Intranet info pages

Decentralize your access control

Streamline information management by setting read and write permissions on department, group or role.  

Digital resource library

Unify all your applications into one access portal

The information portal features a user-friendly dashboard with links to internal applications like Microsoft 365 apps or HR applications. With Single Sign-On, users can move seamlessly between these critical business applications.

Intranet portal

Publish Pages and documents

Effortlessly turn your company information into attractive pages using our rich and flexible CMS.

Internal corporate news
  • Full Text Search

    Our search engine scans titles and delves into documents like PDFs

  • Content Evaluation

    Use evaluation reports to assess clarity and usefulness of published info

  • Advanced Permissions

    Streamline info management by letting departments edit or add items

  • Custom items

    Users can upload custom items like questions, best practices, ideas, ..

  • Auto Translate

    Automatically translate pages into users' languages for accessibility

  • Comments

    Allow comments on all items for centralized questions and discussions

  • Document Preview

    Easily preview documents in your browser without downloading

  • Drag-and-Drop

    Drag and drop pages, docs, or folders to your desired location easily

  • Version Control

    Avoid confusion with automatic version control; ensure the latest versions

  • Content life-cycle

    Automatically archive outdated content to keep documents relevant


Build a strong employee community

Create online spaces where groups of employees with a common interest can find relevant content, discuss topics, and share knowledge

Build your own people directory

Find team members based on their skills, expertise, or area of work, and provide opportunities for them to connect and collaborate.

Intranet people directory

Create communities

Create online spaces to bring employees together and engage with each other in sharing questions, latest happenings, pictures, and much more.

Intranet social communities

Organize events and meetups

Easily plan and share meetups, social gatherings, and workshops. Attendees can be invited directly or self-register with just a click.

Intranet social events meeting
  • Interactive polls

    A great way to engage your employees on various topics

  • Rich User Profiles

    Customize profiles with only the information that matters to your company

  • Photo albums

    Group timeline photos are automatically collected into a photo album

  • Chat

    Enable employees to exchange private messages, reducing email overload

  • Advanced people search

    Search for employees using various filters set by the organization

  • Forums

    Bundle discussions to help employees navigate without message overload

  • User Provisioning

    Automate user account creation and deactivation for efficiency

  • Video

    Enable sharing playable videos for an engaging experience

  • Surveys

    Easily create and share surveys or evaluation forms within the company.

  • Extranet

    Enhance teamwork by letting partners join with limited platform access

Book a free demo and experience the platform first hand

350+ companies trust Fellow Digitals

Empower your workforce with your own employee app