Girl working at home on laptop

Fellow LMS

Get started and build your own eLearning courses. This intuitive platform allows you to turn all your content and training materials into great courses, without IT intervention.

Course creation

Build your own eLearning academy

Turn your company content into great online courses for all your employees

Create impactful courses

Craft stunning and user-friendly courses with our advanced course designer.

LMS Courses

Use existing training material

Quickly convert your PowerPoint presentations or PDFs into premium online courses. Integrate modules from Articulate, EasyGenerator, and more using our connectors for SCORM, LTI, and HTML5.

Course training material

Engage through interactive content

Select from diverse question and quiz formats, and incorporate audio and video to create an engaging learning experience for your workforce. 

Course interactive content

Compliance and accreditation

Ensure course completion with mandatory video viewing, set minimum passing scores, and enforce course repetition where necessary.

Compliance accreditation
  • Authoring tool

    Build and customize courses easily with our user-friendly interface

  • Tests, surveys, and question pools

    Manage tests, surveys, and question pools to engage learners

  • Detailed Reporting

    Gain insights with analytics on learner progress and course effectiveness

  • Branding options

    Customize course appearance to match your brand identity

  • SCORM and LTI connectors

    Integrate a wide range of content with standard connections

  • 21 system languages

    Users can view the academy in any of 21 supported languages

  • HTML5 upload

    Upload and display HTML5 files directly within your company academy

  • Duplicate courses

    Duplicate courses for streamlined setup across departments

  • Custom terms of use

    Enforce terms of use to align with company policies and legal requirements

  • Translation feature

    Easily translate courses into different languages with a simple click

Learning path

Deliver training as business demands

Train employees, partners, and customers flexibly — anytime, anywhere

Onboarding journeys

Create customized learning paths for employees by grouping courses into programs. Automatically enroll employees based on their job roles and schedules, ensuring they only receive the relevant trainings.

Delivery onboarding

Flexible enrollment options  

Explore multiple ways to enroll participants in your academy or courses: automatically through integration with other software via our API, or manually using vouchers, registration forms, and Excel imports.

Delivery enrollment

Branded learner certificates

Create personalized certificates that are automatically assigned to participants upon course completion. These certificates can be customized with essential details such as names, organizations, and scores. 

LMS branded certificate

Learner privacy

Only appropriate staff members have access to specific information, ensuring user privacy. This policy also applies to insights and participant results; access is granted based on your designated role and the permissions it carries.

Intranet learner privacy
  • Excel user import

    Streamline user management with efficient Excel user imports

  • Automatic course repetition

    Automate course scheduling for repeated sessions with ease

  • API integration

    Seamlessly connect with other systems through API integration

  • Custom invitation message

    Craft personalized messages to engage and invite participants effectively

  • Branding options

    Transform your platform with extensive branding customization options

  • Custom terms of use

    Define your own terms of use to align with your organization's policies

  • E-commerce

    Enable public course sales with integrated e-commerce features

  • Multiple Attempts

    Allow participants to retake courses with support for multiple attempts

  • Flexible grading options

    Adapt evaluation with flexible grading for diverse assessment needs

  • Seat limits

    Control enrollment by setting seat limits for each course

  • Accreditation compliant

    Ensure your courses meet industry standards with accreditation compliance

  • Completion reminders

    Send automated reminders to encourage timely course completion

  • Course deadlines

    Set and manage course deadlines to maintain program structure


Instantly track learner progress

Track progress and compare data-driven results

Company wide reporting

Generate comprehensive reports across your academy to monitor performance, enrollment, and participant progress, with detailed filtering options for in-depth analysis.

intranet company reporting

Data export

Easily export your company's data in various formats, with the option for automatic recurring exports via email reports. Customize reports to include only relevant data, and seamlessly integrate with other applications using our standard API connections

Intranet data export


Evaluate the effectiveness of your courses. Employees provide feedback through a succinct set of questions and are encouraged to elaborate on specific areas. Gain a clear understanding of training effectiveness, relevance to work situations, and actionable improvement suggestions

Delivery evalution LMS
  • Excel user import

    Streamline user management with efficient Excel user imports

  • Automatic course repetition

    Automate course scheduling for repeated sessions with ease

  • API integration

    Seamlessly connect with other systems through API integration

  • Custom invitation message

    Craft personalized messages to engage and invite participants effectively

  • Branding options

    Transform your platform with extensive branding customization options

  • Custom terms of use

    Define your own terms of use to align with your organization's policies

  • E-commerce

    Enable public course sales with integrated e-commerce features

  • Multiple Attempts

    Allow participants to retake courses with support for multiple attempts

  • Flexible grading options

    Adapt evaluation with flexible grading for diverse assessment needs

  • Seat limits

    Control enrollment by setting seat limits for each course

  • Accreditation compliant

    Ensure your courses meet industry standards with accreditation compliance

  • Completion reminders

    Send automated reminders to encourage timely course completion

  • Course deadlines

    Set and manage course deadlines to maintain program structure

Book a free demo and experience the platform first hand

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