Security Awareness Training

Customer stories | Awaretrain

  • eLearning

Creating awareness for sensitive information and cyber security issues is Awaretrains aim. Fellow LMS supports this as a platform with extensive course creation and monitoring features. Above all, it lives up to important security standards itself. This is how NextTech is able to effectively communicate risks and recommended behavior to customers and their employees.


  • Location: The Netherlands

  • Feature: Multilingual programs

  • Industry: IT Training

  • Awaretrain

About Awaretrain

Awaretrain is a Dutch provider of Information Technology security training with a focus on the human factor. With knowledge in organizational management and technology and more than 15 years experience in the IT market, they support companies with employee training on security awareness and risk minimization. One of their key benefits is fast and transparent transmission of security knowledge to customers all over the country.

Effective learning about information security

Awaretrain creates and offers security awareness programs in Dutch, German, English, French and Spanish. In order to provide training to customers in different locations, Awaretrain needed an eLearning platform that gives people the possibility to learn in their own time, place and language. One of the main requirements for the platform was to transmit animated video and thereby explain in detail how and why information security needs to be increased. In-between questions are used in order to create a deeper level of engagement and stimulate self-reflection. In the end of a training, an exam takes place where the gained knowledge of a participant gets certified. For this aim, it is important to have multiple question types that serve for either in-between reflection or more serious knowledge testing.

Dennie Spreeuwenberg, founder and owner of Awaretrain, is convinced of eLearning as a method for creating more awareness for online security issues:

IT security is not a sexy topic but we help making it more interesting by offering good video material where issues are explained in word and picture. We make sure people know how to apply security standards, in organizational as in private situations. Humor is an essential part of it as well. This is how we became the provider of online awareness training in the Netherlands.

Dennie Spreeuwenberg, founder and owner

secure learning environment

For Awaretrain as a company concerned with online security, it was essential to have a learning platform that confirms to all security expectations. Dutch legislation was one of the requirements, as legal frameworks from outside the European Union offer too much freedom for data theft and spying. This could only be solved by having a provider that hosts data exclusively within the EU. Awaretrain pays special attention to the risk of data leaks and the privacy of participants. With multiple customers visiting courses in the Awaretrain platform, it is highly important to keep the participants’ identity protected, so outsiders won’t know about any activities of customers and their participants in the academy.

Growth and flexibility with SaaS

As a growing business, Awaretrain needs full flexibility in their training platform. The already impressive amount of users will be extended considerably in the near future. For the possibility of scaling up, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is very practical, also because it runs on any device without any installation. This way, new participants are able to get started with learning right away. SaaS is also required due to its flexibility in feature implementation and development. As a ready-made platform, it offers all the features needed for learning management but can also be customized to a certain degree to customers’ requirements. This gives a customer the possibility to use the platform on a long run.

How the choice fell on Fellow Digitals

Awaretrain chose Fellow Digitals' LMS (formerly called Coursepath), as the platform fulfilled their requirements such as EU hosting, SaaS, video integration and multiple question types. For instance, in-between questions can be set to not being counted, so the certification is purely based on the exam questions in the end. Still, trainers have a full overview of what is happening in the course, as all steps are analyzed thoroughly in the Fellow LMS's reporting.

Fellow LMS offers a fast and direct exchange with both support teams and developers. When there is a problem, it is fixed very quickly. Also, the system is growing. Sometimes changes in the system mean that Awaretrains trainers and users have to get used to a new way of handling. Yet, mostly they come in handy for them as well, as most system changes are intended to increase user friendliness. It also means that own wishes and requirements to the platform get implemented. This was the case when Awaretrain needed a new role in the system, the auditor role. Fellow LMS implemented this role, and now everyone of Fellow Digitals' customers can use it to make content watchable for quality management personnel – without leaving traces. Awaretrain considers this openness to improvement an important issue for the future and favors a system that goes in dialogue with the customer.

Awaretrain is a growing business, with an ambition to branch out into new markets. Fellow Digitals proves to be a reliable and flexible partner for this aim: Not only can the platform’s language be switched between various languages but also, the support and development team is able to respond in multiple languages. Based in multiple locations around the globe, among them Amsterdam and Cologne, Fellow Digitals has multilingual staff to support customers from different countries. For a growing business like Awaretrain , those possibilities for international use of the platform are essential.

Finally, Fellow Digitals was able to offer a complete eLearning platform with a calculable pricing model and reliable support. This means that there are no limits for IT security training with all its necessary features and Awaretrain foresees a very positive international training future with eLearning.

Annika Willers

Manager Internal Communication

Annika Willers

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