Open up Digitals: Arie van Bennekum

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Arie van Bennekum

In 2001, a club of committed gentlemen wrote the world famous Agile Manifesto. Dutchman Arie van Bennekum is co-author of this revolutionary idea, which propagates a new ‘agile’ way of thinking. 

A future-proof ‘agile’ way of working

In episode 7 of our video series Open up Digitals we talk to Arie about the current crisis, self-managing teams, flexible and resilient organizations, but also about a future-proof ‘agile’ way of working.

Play video: Open up Digitals: Arie van Bennekum
Open up Digitals: Arie van Bennekum (Watch on YouTube)

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Hans Koekkoek

Business Development Manager / Partner Manager

Hans Koekkoek

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