Consulting workshops with flexible online training

Customer stories | SIOO

  • customer story
SIOO customer story

In changing work environments, companies seek consulting and support at the inter-university centre Sioo. With Fellow LMS, Sioo succeeds in blending face-to-face workshops effectively with online training, enabling participants to practice and sustain their new skills and knowledge in flexible ways. Supported by social learning features, participants can make the most of the training content and develop their qualifications, helping their organizations stay agile for the future.

  • Location: The Netherlands

  • Customer since: 2015

  • Industry: Training

  • Sioo

Sioo is a Dutch inter-university center that teaches its clients how to be agile in change management and organizational processes. Consultants and managers take part in learning programs, focusing on their own professionalization and the further development of their organizations. The challenge was finding a complementary mixture of training methods that offers flexibility and sustains knowledge effectively.

Multiple demands, one platform

Sioo offers a broad variety of workshops for participants to choose from, such as an advisory program for organizational change management or customized in-company professionalization programs. All of these programs require flexibility in order to accommodate a decision maker’s fast-changing environment and content that is quickly adapted. With the scalable and easy-to-edit Fellow LMS, Sioo can sustain organizational development programs in various ways – regardless of a workshop’s length, multimedia requirements or the amount of users involved.

”We are very happy to be working with Fellow Digitals, as they not only offer us a platform for successful Blended Learning, but they also develop the tool further with us and according to our expectations” 

Marguerithe de Man, director of study at Sioo.

Flexibility with on-demand service

Sustaining knowledge for employees in a highly demanding work environment is not an easy task. Participants gather and learn in regular meetings. Additionally, they refresh their knowledge at home or the office, individually and in their own time. The Fellow LMS (formerly called Coursepath) is Software-as-a-Service, meaning course administrators and participants do not need to install or maintain software, but can access pieces of training on-demand. Courses are easily created and updated whenever necessary, sometimes with up to 20 teachers in a course. Participants are free to log in at any time, and automatic reminders in the system help them to stay focused on deadlines and be prepared for the next meeting.

We did not start with a specific aim in mind, but discovered a lot of practical features on the way. Despite all the features the platform remained very fresh and well-structured, which makes it outstandingly user-friendly.

Marguerithe de Man

Connected online and offline with Blended Learning

A combination of online and face-to-face activities is crucial in effectively engaging participants in the skills development process. Sioo creates courses with the training platform Fellow LMS, that supplement meetings and workshops either in between courses, as online preparation or to summarise what was learned. The courses require social interactions – whether on or offline. Participants and trainers can interact with each other privately or publicly, not only in meetings, but also in every step of the course. Questions and comments spark reactions and feedback, and additional ideas and communication can be seen on a discussion line/thread. This helps participants to develop their own ideas and skills and maintain expertise in meaningful processes, making processes agile and Blended Learning so effective for consulting programs.

Lotte Pieterse

Manager Internal Communication

Lotte Pieterse

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